Huntsville DBT
What is DBT?
How DBT helps
Our Program
Dialectical Behavior Therapy is an active, present focused therapy that involves collaboration with your therapist to skillfully navigate emotions
DBT helps you identify and evaluate how your emotions affect your urges and behaviors
Our programs include individual therapy, group skills training, phone coaching, and consultation team.
About Huntsville DBT
Huntsville DBT provides specialized treatment services for a variety of psychological conditions. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a compassionate type of behavioral therapy that is intended to help people move towards having a life that feels more meaningful and worth living. DBT is in an evidence-based treatment that has proven effective for depression, generalized anxiety, mood disorders, personality disorders, substance dependence and impulse control as well as chronic suicidality and self-harming behaviors.
During these uncertain times, your health and well-being is our top priority. We are continuing to monitor the outbreak of COVID-19 and are adjusting our treatment options accordingly.
At this time, Huntsville DBT is providing essential mental healthcare in a virtual format (via phone and video) for both new patients. All of our individual appointments and group classes are in a virtual format. Please contact us via phone (256-344-4555) or temporary email ( for questions or scheduling.