Huntsville DBT
Grief and Loss
What it is: Grief and loss are issues that most everyone deals with at some point in their lives. Some of us are lucky to not have to experience the grief that results from significant loss until later in life, while others are forced to face it at a much earlier age. Grief can be experienced as a deep sorrow, oftentimes caused by the death of a loved one. There are many different types of loss which can result in grief, however, including the loss of a friendship, a job, one’s health, among many others.
Several Specific Types of Grief Include
Anticipatory grief
Normal grief
Delayed grief
Complicated grief
Chronic grief
Cumulative grief
Associated concerns
Complicated grief can be the underpinning of many other mental health experiences, such as depression, anxiety, or trauma-related symptoms. In coping with grief, some individuals develop substance abuse concerns.
Treatments Offered
Treatment for the grief resulting from significant loss can include DBT-oriented grief therapy or grief oriented psychotherapy. DBT skills classes may help to identify effective ways to cope with painful life changes resulting from loss. If the loss is in the form of a death by suicide, HSV DBT offers a monthly free support group, CSAS (Community Support ofter Suicide).